Two Idiots and an Expert
Two Idiots and an Expert
Flat Earther
Episode 61 - Flat Eather - is live with 'Flat Earth' Dave Weiss!
This episode's expert is Flat Earth Dave. Kops and Lee have been waiting to speak to a flat earther like Dave since they started doing this podcast.
Dave joins the Idiots (04:44) jumps right in with some windsurfing and snowboarding, then talks about his early years and how he came to the flat earth. Dave then breaks down that we are being lied to, explains how the earth is flat, why the sun can't be that far away, his Flat Earth app and many other things.
Thank you Dave for coming on the Podcast!
To learn more and contact Dave:
- Web - OR
- Youtube - The Flat Earth Podcast
- Youtube - Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole (DITRH)
- Twitter - @theFEPodcast
- Instagram - @theFlatEarthPodcast
- Facebook - The Flat Earth Podcast
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